The Poem That Made You...
Words are not easy to say nor easy to write, you have to think over and over again before you can write something that fits your mood. They come if you are inspired,happy or sad, it flows like a river of ideas that culminates in one direction. When I write something, heart takes a great part than my brain. You can't simply write with all brain, no matter how intelligent you are if you don't have a heart on a certain craft, you will easily feel bored and discontented. It takes a great heart to love what you do, and do what you love. Here I am... clueless as you, take my stare, imprisoned my spirit on your tainted palm... Clever I was not, but strong as you can't think of. I braved your will, to break me from here. You found me unscathed, but healed the hidden scratch. How good were your hands, when I am a sinner among your lambs.