Chasing Mr.Right is Righteously Wrong

" You dont have to be a gentleman in every possible way you can. If you love me the way i am then you can have my heart for all you want."

Often than not i find myself wondering who is Mr.Right most girls dreaming about. It moved my thoughts to cross the border of having a self-made investigation. Somehow its kinda funny to see and hear a group of ladies having a conversation over one dish of topic... "men", yet it will made you realize that its one of the reasons that makes us being a woman.
I have my own piece of self point- of- view just fairly according to my level of understanding. Mr.Right is a gentleman obviously stated by a majority females. But i will say my side care no less about them...a man is not a gentleman until he does not know the every letter of it and the unseen meaning of the word. Being gentle by words or actions is senseless without a gentle heart and mind who commands it. A gentle soul which gives life to the extent that you will live up with the word "gentleman". Honesty is a must-looked attitude in a man's bare package. But what really is an honest man? One who does follow the conscience accordingly and righteously not just in a given time but it is already in his viens to be honest in every ways. White lies is not that bad yet it hurts a bit and it will save an ounce of the price.
Looking for Mr.Right does not mean looking for love if i may say. Because no one should look for love as its like taming the untamed beast in the heart of the forest. It is absurd to say that love strikes anytime...but its true. To cope up with this multi-defined word is such an imaginative to think. Ideas may age but to some egoistic mammals living out there just to show-off cant find the right perspective to fit in an unsolved puzzle of love and life. Many are living in a disguised sheep's skin so careful not be fool by any of them.

'Till next time!..... -JHAI-


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