WOMEN: Impossible To Find

Men often said that most women are such a "beatch", but do they try asking themselves what are they? We are now in a world where power doesnt dominated only by men, women possessed and ruled it in a higher degree. Men are simply a "player" in anything within their reach and a "leader" in something they mastered within their territory. Some of the "women-men" issues that circulates since the time immemorial are very abstruse, it addled us to no end and made us curious since the inception of mankind.

Humans were born with compassion, kindness and a heart that no other living things ever have. Men supposed to be the protector of women, making her feel she is secured and safe with all his might. He who is not only a man of words but a man of actions. Built not on what he have but of who he is. He who does not measured bravery on how strong he is but on how humble his heart is. He who is an epitome of gentleness that is a natural of him and he who give love beyond what he could give selflessly...but all of this of what a man should be is now slowly fading. They are now built by a heart of steel, protectiveness wasn't their cup of tea anymore instead they are the perpetrator to women. Men change as the world change its curse, every pace of human race is a change to their atittude. Long gone the men who caress woman like there is no other, who takes care of woman like a glass that breaks easily. Tyrant's hands now rule the world, calloused conscience is now very obvious. Such a great pinch to my heart to see how MEN changed in many ways.
I wish in my desperate mind and in my half-hopefull heart that at least one or two will make a difference and take the lead to bring back the real man...
It's only a wish, a dream, a hope...in my solitary self of confusion.

MAN... you are but a man.
You can rule the world if u want,
but that doesnt mean u can hurt
who you want.
MAN... you are but a man.
You can be extraordinaire
but that doesnt mean you can be too a monster.
MAN... you are but a man.
You can love someone you deserve
but that doesnt mean you can ditch them
after all what they did served.
MAN... you are but a man.
Being a man...isn't this an enough reason?
to act like a man and not a she-man.


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