
Showing posts from October, 2008

He Loves me...He Loves me Not...

" In life you will realize that the people you meet has a purpose...some were put to test you...some would use you, some would teach you and some would bring out the better if not the best in you...Some may even cause you pain and heartaches, but one must learn to move on...So let go of the people who cant treat you right and hold on to those who loves you back and see your worth." This is the text message i received from my very close male friend (the others are all gays) when i asked him if men could ever let go of the one they love. The contents made me think, and the mind and heart start to have a sort of confusion. Simply it did tore the chasm of my sensitivity and cant refrain the pouring of the silver droplets upon my face as i realize I am in a brink of so many doubts towards someone i barely knew. Feels like i was inside a maze where there is no exit made for me. My brain cant win over the dupeness of my heart even if there's no sure if i get the same feeling, s...

Innocent Fruits

Gun fires...people screaming.. trucks running to-and-fro... Endless noise ears are tired. A scary scene fits not to the mind of a child. Lifeless cold bodies are lying next to their innocent eyes Self-centered citizens who could kill to fight to what they think is right. Pity those children who doesnt know the answers. Everyone is longing for peace, An army of souls hopefully appeal, In every heart sobriety reigns at last. Blood and sweat mix together Who will be the one to first quit? Those who anticipate holding their breathe or those who struggle up to the last minute? No one one knows... Understanding seems hiding somewhere, One race... Now it doesnt even matter. We are created in one same step Why make it hard to who shall rightfully rule... Exchanging words of different thoughts Opinions are laid, one gets striked. Hard to solve because of hard-headed people. Ruthless hearts full of vengeance Many lives are already sacrificed. OHHH...

_A LOVE AT 22_

This is for my beloved sister... You fell in love at 22… Blitheness is shown all over you. I could see in your eyes love glisten And your aura is simply stunning. Everyday you live with anticipation His sweet words that make you smile and shine With unexplainable emotion playing in your heart You are in love at last! You fell in love at 22… Unexpected to happen You really didn’t think so But cupid hit your heart And there’s nothing more you can do Oh dear…surely you are now in love! You fell in love at 22… I wish nothing but all the best for you. Just always remember to believe in love And rest is up to your heart. Don’t worry I’m just here Forevermore by your side. - JHAI -


An oddly confession from an almost perfect person was like a bomb that shake the whole society and rocked the hemisphere in no time, what if you are that person who happens to be the subject of everything spinning around? It's quiet entertaining, folks loves gossips and those senseless craps. New topics, new dish in the table, certainly that's a best-seller. You will be a celebrity packed in a hot decors defining what you are but not of who you are. Enjoy swimming while you are still the superlative yet in a very sordid background of the queer famous crowd. It's either you will be drown or it will be the reason to hit another heights for you. True or not it wont be an exception to the sensitive senses of the hungry-quick tongue mass. Some gets a drop of fine feelings, some get offended and some just laugh it out. Ohhh...isn't it familiar? We lived with it, people are always curious about new rumours that's fresh from the oven and served in a detailed idle plate. Can...


Another blocked night again for me, my mind was clogged by something i cant pinpoint. The ideas i was trying to tame for an immediate output is as elusive as a myth. My brain nerves are in the confused state, they create a friction that rattles it to malfunction and ends with nothing coming up from my head. Spending the night just holding up the slim pencil and staring at the blank sheet of paper is really a waste of time. This is a dilemma i always find hard to cure, i already conduct some "brain exercise" whatsoever blah blah for mental functions and intellectual performance in order to keep it cranking then and now. What a state i am battling, but still i'm trying my whole ass of it to overcome the division that blocked my cells to be back at its work-again (hahahahaa...hopefully) . I would not mind if i'd come out with a non-sense things on this page, (this is mine!) Well, so much of words that spilling out into my mouth (rather on hand), i know sometimes its al...


Somehow i started to doubt love, if ain't for my heart i should not be thinking now. My mind would not be boggled by uncertainties that could stained my feelings and thoughts to flinch... Nothing could be more painful than seeing your love slipping-out into your hands. Yes i can dare to be hurt ten times or so and i would freely take the every pang, just not to let go and missed the chance to feel love and be loved. But what if its already enough and you tried the damnedest just to prove the worth of love? Would you give-up or let your heart to fall more deeply? Every one knows how love works...mysteriously. Someday...I will have someone that doesnt give up on me... and will strike back to nestle infinitely...