He Loves me...He Loves me Not...

" In life you will realize that the people you meet has a purpose...some were put to test you...some would use you, some would teach you and some would bring out the better if not the best in you...Some may even cause you pain and heartaches, but one must learn to move on...So let go of the people who cant treat you right and hold on to those who loves you back and see your worth."

This is the text message i received from my very close male friend (the others are all gays) when i asked him if men could ever let go of the one they love. The contents made me think, and the mind and heart start to have a sort of confusion. Simply it did tore the chasm of my sensitivity and cant refrain the pouring of the silver droplets upon my face as i realize I am in a brink of so many doubts towards someone i barely knew. Feels like i was inside a maze where there is no exit made for me. My brain cant win over the dupeness of my heart even if there's no sure if i get the same feeling, still i laid my heart and gamble it...

I couldn't declare that i owned him co'z there's nothing to prove that i have his heart but his words.
We are fighting and surviving against the distance, living a thousand miles across the ocean. Its very excruciating when you heard someone saying the word "go away" three times and worst it is coming from the person behind the throb of your heart. Thrusting me to feel numb for a while and pain engulf my whole in a shot of second like a flaming furnace.

Sometimes it sucks when you used to performed yourself as a strong pillar infront of the people because they think that its okay to hurt you knowing you can face anything. Truth is the pillow always get wet every night as you silently weep to ease the flaring pain. Quiet a time i am living in the world of my illussion (somebody defines love as illusion)
but i dont regret it nor denied the greatest feeling on Earth...LOVE.

Now whats the doubt?....It's all up into my heart.......................................................
( fill it if you want)


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