Imagine you were stranded in a playful crowd where in you are a total alien and you found yourself blending with them. You cant even distinguish what connects you to dish-up with their conversation. Unknowingly you are going with the flow without the haste of much effort. Your presence that's so eager to be recognize in any means is that you are working for the whole duration of the charade was paid-off. Well, im lucky to get a hap to circulate with these kind of people and know them even just a bit pieces of their lives. They laugh despite of circumstances they have, they talk with out a trace of hesitation and i myself im sure anyone can mingle with them. They have so much fun and makes you giggle that you wish it will linger on.
I am talking with those tribe of gays which so happen to be my funniest, wackiest and talented friends. As their "blah blah" statement - " we are just trapped in a male's body but we are really a true woman inside". Ha ha ha, very hilarious speech...oopppsss.....sorry guys (gays).
No wonder you have the longest list of friends. I seized every moments and perceive with out guilt. With these kind of people one can guffaw without shame, more than just a sheer fun-tabulous happenings but a genuine friends with in reach. With this league I learned without despising anyone or anything.
truly i missed you all that's why i feel a little bit qualm...



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