Twenty years of my life had passed, now i am starting for my twenty-first on this planet. Im contemplating those years i spent if did i made it well or just wasted. Very well i could say to myself that even if i didnt made my life to the peak of significance, confidently i have nothing so much to regret. The every dimension of me as a human consist not only myself alone, i breath and i live containing myriad undefined scenes along. I may be lucky or unlucky for some certain things and cant go against the constant law of the universe, still im here...If fleeting is the easiest way to get out of those unbearable hits of befall situations, i already did..., but no, its not getting away that could make me not to feel the jolt.
Years and years, accept it or not...people will have a change in different respective aspects of life. We are in a rushing stream where everyone or so to speak abide the current, every thing will flow accordingly to what human does itself. Sometimes a well-planned life can lead to a great misery with just one blow of a mistake, it screwed your patterns towards perfection. Pointless if we will attain a flawless living and seek for meaning in our every deeds. Life, we knew its not perfect. Even if we tried to see things in their different color still the solace is so elusive to grip our heart and mind. We may be driven by various purposes still we have one important role and duty, we are responsible in all our doings under this cycle.
I cant write my own life story and so as anyone... Because one book or so cant suffice if every details of it is to be enumerated. Some episodes maybe forgotten already and events that will be missed, though one can write depending unto how they would like it to come out, shortened or long it depends upon dealing with words and the main point.
As of now i highly prayed that if i could still have another twenty years or more to spend. To feel, to laugh, to cry, to share, to help, to breath, to give, to love and live.
To His will i will submit myself and to His will rest assured i am at peace...all was planned.
Complicated as it may be, is full of twists.


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