Here lies a pretending heart...
So firm, so great, with all its might...
Master the course of being an actor,
Every sinew means to simulate...
It could take any range of a worst talk
A great fake outside the shell.
No one could predict this callous heart...
How or what made it so dense.
Many had given their judgement
Still the secret remains beyond the shape...
The hidden color is yet to come.
Play must go on with this feign heart...
If only they knew...if only they knew...
The pretending heart was a putrid one...
very untrue and full of lies...
Truth is so weak but needs to hide.
For its the way of the pretending heart.
So firm, so great, with all its might...
Master the course of being an actor,
Every sinew means to simulate...
It could take any range of a worst talk
A great fake outside the shell.
No one could predict this callous heart...
How or what made it so dense.
Many had given their judgement
Still the secret remains beyond the shape...
The hidden color is yet to come.
Play must go on with this feign heart...
If only they knew...if only they knew...
The pretending heart was a putrid one...
very untrue and full of lies...
Truth is so weak but needs to hide.
For its the way of the pretending heart.