Weep of a Mom-to-be...

Pain was so great that shutted-down all my consciousness...For a moment i was in a place where one dont ever wish to be in. Darkness, pure black, an obscurity that's blinding my eyes. I dont see any single flare of light nor even a fading rays. My mind is almost on the verge of hysteria because i have no inklings about the set where i am. Very sure, i was not in a real world, its like a solitary room for people who fleet from reality...and at that very moment all is coming back to me...seam by seam...from the sphere of bliss to the sudden blast of a painful news... from the happy hearts to the deafening silence of mourn...from anticipating soul to the end of all...I've lost my precious unborn angel...reality slaps me right there and then. Tears was unstoppable...
Then my eyes caught a blaze of light yet its unclear, something stirred in me to follow it and while on my way to it i heard a baby's cry...it crippled my heart upon hearing it...i feel my blood was rushing and my walk becomes run just to get at the light and see who is that baby crying...hoping it was mine.
I open my eyes and let it roam for a while...white and there's a light...no darkness at all. I realized i was in a hospital room lying in a white-covered bed. Some people beside me, on the couch sleeping, i guess they fall asleep while waiting for me to be awake. My unborn angel leads me back to my world where many is loving me still - unconditionally. My angel makes me admit that maybe she is not just meant for me and that one will come in His righteous time. I wont despair no more...at least i heard my angel's heavenly cry in that sadden moment of my life, more than enough to lift me up...


Gaurav Pratap said…
The only way to come out of a problem is to feel that you are all well..there is no problem at all...nice creative input..and yeah i know she will weep again..she will shed tears again...one more time but that will be the tears of JOY :-)

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