Life in a Different Phases

( A story of an unknown girl...)

Her childhood was molded and chiseled with a very fine memories, she got a brood of friends, loving family and happy living despite of being just a poor citizen in a rural place. She lives with so much spirit and enthusiasm that was so rare to spend it everyday. But later would she know that her world will soon turn to a drastic change. Her gathered unfathomed moments collapsed as it caught her in both ends, she never expected it to happen, but fate played the rhythm so well that she cant make any contest. Her thoughts was a way too far from the things going on and the dealings of reality, nothing more she can do about it but to embrace and accept the harsh flip of it all. It is so hard to leave the haven that she got used to live, the oasis of all her being and the place that filled her memory bank. She cant help the tears and let them just flow...secretly, her heart stay still with a pensile throb. It pitched her sharply that left her nowhere...she needs to hide her weak-point under her shirt in order to show her love ones that she is a one tough lass.

New environment, new faces and hoping she could make new friends. She have to make a way to let her presence known at least effortlessly obvious and she should adapt her new crowd to make herself comfy in the new habitat...This is her new world she will be living only God knows until when...

Everyday she tried to approach her new-meet people, yes many are friendly but only few that will becomes a friend. Uncanny situation falls on her way not just once or twice but as often as she talks, people cant understand her language though she understands their words yet cant speak too much of it, everytime she speaks they blurt into laugh unintentionally though. So she should learn their vernacular and let her tongue twists for the sake of communication, all the settings was like passing through a tight-sealed hole seemingly not fitted for her. She was so persistent in every way she could, she excel amidst the scrutinizing glances of many envious beholder. She doesn't care at all, as long as she lives with out stepping anybody's feet just to gain and be welcomed open-arms in. Painstakingly earned through a consistency of humility and perseverance, that's what she is. She believes that perils on the way is nothing when she is a daughter of God, if not...she wont survive.

At 2 am she should be awake already to catch up the morning bus (its not a school bus) at 3:45 am for school, at night she approached home by 7 or 8 pm...sleeps at 10 pm or so...that's her new-practiced sched. For many she knows it is very difficult but for her...that's the way it is.

Many a times she did stumble with a wounded and bended-knees, a partially bruised hands, if she did mind all the criticism and let them win over her identity, the rail of her life would not be shaped by her own persona. Criticism is one of the things she stood upon with, she is strong to hold its wings upon her shoulder, yet her heart was made with a delicate-soft feathers and a hard membrance covering them.
Her family already did many sacrifices and she is just playing her part as one of a piece of the complete puzzle. That's a pain of being a nomad, no permanent laying ground, they live in many different houses in different places and she cant called it a "real" home... a home for real that she or they can own for real. Yes no structures or any wealth of the world nor a place that could break the bond of her family that sheltered her and her siblings from the day they are born, its the grandest wealth she could be proud of for life. Hand in hand they are one... they survived as a family.... and will remain as family in many phase to come.

This is her life...that is unconcealed yet still incomplete....


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